Whole-Life Coaching for Professional Creative Women


Cultivate your inner well-being, make intentional career and life transitions, build a healthy and fulfilled life from the inside out.

Career Guidance - Life Transition Coaching


Take courageous steps towards the life and career you truly want.


Hi, I’m Niki.

I help creative women pursue their goals with confidence, purpose, and inner wellbeing. If you’re facing a life transition or want to take your next career steps with intention, you’re in the right place.

I believe that you achieve fulfillment when your work and personal lives flow together in harmony, meaning your...

  • Career aligns with your personal values and supports the lifestyle you desire.

  • Lifestyle, health, and inner wellbeing set you up for grounded success in your career.

I'm here to guide you in cultivating inner wellbeing and creating alignment between your work, values, and life. This alignment allows you to feel grounded and well while you achieve your biggest goals.

Have you always thought you wanted to do it all, or you should do it all?

Lead an ambitious creative career, be a super mom and partner, always show up for your friends. Now, you're the woman everyone depends on – at work and at home.

Providing for others is a part of who you are. But at the end of the day, trying to do it all is leaving you feeling burnt out, unwell, anxious and disconnected from yourself and your path.

You’re passionate about the creative nature of your work. But too many of your work tasks don’t excite you, and you’re exhausted constantly living in fight-or-flight mode. You want to continue pursuing the creative craft you love – without feeling overworked and overstressed. 


Maybe you're...

  • At the top of your industry, but ready to shift into a career where you define your daily work and future path on your own terms.

  • Rising above junior-level roles and seeing success, but want to be intentional about creating a career you love before you settle into your role.

    Either way, you want to be empowered to build a career that inspires you, fulfills you, and feels authentic to your true self. You don't want to "balance" your separate work and personal lives. Because the truth is, they're not separate – they both make up your one whole life.


As a former creative director, I know exactly how you feel.

Whether you're a creative director, stylist, producer or copywriter, I know what it's like to work in your industry.

Before becoming a coach, I led a team as the VP Director of Photography at a world-renowned brand.

I spent 30 years rising up the corporate creative ladder with passion, grit, and love of my craft.

I achieved huge success in my career – I traveled the world, played an integral role in transforming the brand, and worked with top world talent. But eventually, I knew that something deeper was missing.


Like you, I wanted to achieve success while also living more fully in my purpose, sense of self, and wellbeing. I wanted to create my life and career on my own terms from a foundation of health and groundedness. I achieved this through a commitment to healthy self-care, spiritual growth, and an intentional career shift.


Now, I’m a life transition coach and certified yoga teacher. My mission is to guide creative women in building a healthy life and career that’s right for them.


Imagine if you could… 

  • Tune into yourself and build a life and career that’s aligned with your values.

  • Handle stressful situations with confidence instead of feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

  • Feel truly well in mind-body-spirit and understand how to let your body's cues guide you.

Through my career coaching, life transition coaching, and yoga training, all of this is possible for you.

I guide you in determining the next career steps that feel right to you – while helping you cultivate a foundation of inner wellbeing. This foundation keeps you grounded, healthy, and well as you pursue your ambitions and meet life transitions.

 “It’s amazing to think how far I’ve come mentally, emotionally, creatively, and in my career since we started working together.

[Before working with Niki], I had a feeling of wanting something but feeling hopeless when it came to actually making it happen.

[Now], I have support and guidance that has given my determination and motivation real purpose and direction. This process continues to provide clarity, and I couldn’t have done it without your [Niki’s] help. It has provided a sense of direction. When things come up now – dreams, goals, etc. – they don’t feel out of reach. I can confidently move towards that goal in a productive way.

- Elaine, Art Director, Colorado

 Creating the healthy and whole life you crave starts with a foundation of…



Gaining clarity on the career and/or life path that aligns with your core values and sense of self.

Mind-Body Health

Practicing mindfulness, breathwork, and movement that develops a connection to your body and it’s cues.


Knowing how to set healthy boundaries and develop stronger, more authentic connections.


 Stop trying all the wellness trends and start doing the right things that will move you forward.

Life Transition Coaching



Trying to navigate your inner wellbeing journey alone is like being on the 5th round of a creative review. You try new things, adjust here and there but ultimately don’t get the desired result. After all that work, you find yourself going back to square one.

I'm willing to bet… you wish you had someone who could meet you where you are and guide you towards true wellbeing and career fulfillment. Well, now you do.

I help you connect with yourself to understand your body and your emotions. From this awareness, you respond with confidence and compassion to situations in daily life.

1:1 Life Transition Coaching

You’re ready to develop your foundation, create self-awareness and live more fully into your purpose, health, and relationships in your life and career.

What's at the core of a healthy and whole life? 

Building a healthy life starts with consistently nourishing your mind, body, and spirit. When you practice self-care, you strengthen your foundation of groundedness and wellbeing. The stronger this foundation is, the more fully you can show up for yourself and the people you love.

Maybe you've tried practicing self-care here and there, but it doesn't seem to make a big difference. A soothing bath is nice at that moment. But when you drain the tub and face your responsibilities – you become overwhelmed, unwell, or disconnected again.

When we work together, I help you create space for self-care and find the practices that feel right to you. Practicing these routines daily gradually helps you to connect to your true sense of self and changes how you manage stress, and your level of fulfillment.

Are you ready to work with a life transition coach and get applicable tools for creating a whole and healthy life?

It’s time to start living a healthy, whole, and fulfilled life. 

Not sure where to start? Just reach out and I'll guide you through my whole-life coaching services.